September 11, 2022

Working with Google Cloud Tasks and Symfony

An important software development best practice is that long-running tasks need to be offloaded from the main thread. This ensures the user experience will not be slowed down, even for a few seconds, when the backend is performing a long-running task.

A solution is to use tasks. Tasks are a simple, efficient method. My walkthrough will use Google Cloud Tasks, the package "google/cloud-tasks" and the Symfony framework (specifically 5.4).


From a service within an app, I create a Task that calls an endpoint to perform the long-running task (off the main thread).

A lesson learned is I now put my TaskService in the main app and it writes a task to Google Cloud. In a non-development deployment, Google Cloud Tasks would then call an HTTP endpoint of my choosing.

During early development, it was easier to create local endpoints and simulate a call via Postman. (For example main Symfony app was http://localhost:8000/ and my endpoint was http://localhost:8000/.internal/endpoint.

Implementation - Google Cloud

First, make sure to enable Cloud Tasks API.

Enable Cloud Tasks API through Google Cloud Console. Required to make the client side calls to create Tasks.

Second, to authenticate from the client side a private key is required. Pull this down also from Google Cloud through IAM & Admin > Service Accounts. (If you do not see any Service Accounts, go to Compute Engine API to ensure it's enabled.). Download the JSON file and move to the Symfony project.

Implementation - Symfony

Save the private key somewhere accessible to the Symfony project. Load up the required package from Google using composer.

google/cloud-tasks Package

composer require google/cloud-tasks


I often abstract my service classes from underlying service classes called framework-specific functions. This allows me to interface with a "Create Task()" function and not care about what is going on under the hood. In the future, if I change to another Cloud Task provider, the change is unknown and doesn't affect the rest of the stack.

TaskService.php snippet
public function createTask( string $queue, array $payload, string $endpoint, ): Task { return $this->googleCloudTaskService ->createTask($queue, $payload, $endpoint); }


Above TaskService calls the below functions with a class I call "GoogleCloudTaskService".

    public function createClient(): CloudTasksClient
        return new CloudTasksClient([
            'credentials' => json_decode(
                    $_ENV['PROJECT_ROOT_PATH'] . $_ENV['TASK_KEYFILE']
    public function createQueue(string $queueName): void
        $client = $this->createClient();
        $project = $_ENV['TASK_PROJECT'];
        $location = $_ENV['TASK_LOCATION'];
        $locationName = $client::locationName($project, $location);
        $queue = new Queue([
            'name' => $queueName
        $client->createQueue($locationName, $queue);
    public function createTask(
        string $queueName,
        array $payload,
        string $endpoint
    ): Task
        try {
            $client = $this->createClient();
            $project = $_ENV['TASK_PROJECT'];
            $location = $_ENV['TASK_LOCATION'];
            $queue = $client::queueName($project, $location, $queueName);
            $httpRequest = new HttpRequest();
            $task = new Task();
            return $client->createTask($queue, $task);
        } catch (ValidationException $e) {
            throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), 500);

Creating Task

From a function that will call a long-running process, I call the TaskService or BusinessObject->createTask() and, within it, put the logic as such. Three key elements - queue, payload (in JSON), and HTTP endpoint for the task to call.

        $queue = 'name-of-queue';
        $payload = 'something';
        $endpoint = "https://host/action";
        $result = $this->taskService->createTask(

Receiving Task / Executing Task

In most cases, this isn't anything other than a standard HTTP endpoint. Google Cloud Tasks does offer calls to different endpoints, such as App Engine. But to keep things simple, HTTP endpoints and JSON work best.

FILED UNDER:  Google Cloud , Software Development

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