About Me
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein, October 26, 1929 (source)
Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
Who Am I ?
If it isn’t apparent from the domain name, page title, or header, my name is Vikram Pant.
During the day, I work in the IT field, focusing on the intersection between business strategy and technical operations. I’ve been in various roles over my career, from CTO to Architect to Software Developer.
During my free time, as evident by the randomness of this blog, I enjoy a wide range of topics.
What Is This Blog About ?
This website is a personal blog. It seems that not many of these exist anymore.
Today, it seems most blogs have a singular focus with a heavy content marketing angle loaded with popup ads and Call-to-Actions to make you sign up for newsletters.
Randomness is the point of this blog, it is not focused on one topic. I am writing to share lessons learned and tips/tricks on various subjects, not making a sale or gaining followers. Nothing formal at all, no typical cadence. If it is something worth sharing, I share.
Most likely, you landed here from a search engine – and that’s a good thing. If what I posted can help in any way, then it was worth my time to share.
Thanks for reading,